爬了黄山 : Climbing Yellow Mountain!

Huangshan, or Yellow Mountain, was my first of two weekend trips to Shanghai’s neighboring provence of Anhui. Getting to the famous mountain range required a six hour “big bus”. As soon as Friday Chinese class was over, my four friends and I hopped in taxis and asked the driver to speed to the bus station. In classic fashion we boarded with two minutes to spare. Half way through the bus ride we stopped at the coolest looking rest stop I have ever seen. After arriving and getting settled in our hotel, we went out and explored the local town.

As nice as it is living in Shanghai, it’s refreshing to spend some time outside of the international super city every once in a while. The air is cleaner, the pace is slower, and best of all hardly anyone speaks English!

The next day we spent the better half of the day climbing Huangshan. Getting up to the first peak took about a two hours and after that we continued along to other peaks. Seven hours of stairs made my legs felt like they were going to fall off, but the views made it all worth it.

From my experiences, climbing, hiking and doing general nature stuff in China is much different than other places. For one, the sheer number of people doing those activities with you almost makes it more of an amusement park than a hike. Never before have I had to stand in line for hours to get back down the base of a mountain. And you may have noticed my use of the word “stairs”, a lot of the hiking trails I saw in China were stone paths with stairs. That being said Huangshan is particularly touristy and getting to the top without stairs would be a very difficult task.

All in all, an incredible weekend.





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